New Features - Bug Fixes and Limitations

New Features

New Features in eCognition 10.0:

Feature Description
Toolbar Reorganization Toolbar organization was improved to better reflect user workflow and reduce mouse paths - making tools more accessible and understandable.
Architect Functions All Architect-related tools and functions have been consolidated into a single "Architect" menu to improve access.
Software Style Two modern software styles are available: dark and light mode.
Icon Style Icons have been improved to fully support 4K displays, better represent their functionality and to completely support both light and dark modes.
Review Results The Review Results view perspective has been removed.
Predefined Toolbar The perspectives toolbar has been simplified to concentrate on the two main user objectives - project set up and building rule sets.
Supervised Classification The "classifier" algorithm has been renamed to "Supervised Classification" to make such functionality easier to find.
Unsupervised Classification The "cluster analysis" algorithm has been renamed to "Unsupervised Classification" to make such functionality easier to find.
Algorithm Search The search-ability of algorithms has been improved to provide results to partial strings in the Process Editor.
Algorithm Categories Algorithm categories have been simplified to improve a user's overview.
Feature View Organization Features have been reorganized to make more meaningful groupings that improve the understanding and association of features.
Recent Features Added The Feature View now includes a category for recently used features, making these features faster to access during development.
Region of Classified Object A default region is available for this feature making it easier to apply to the entire scene extent.
Start Screen A start screen has been added to provide fast access to recent workspaces, eCognition News and software resources.
View Settings Window The functionality of the View Settings window has been expanded to include the display of image object levels and their content. The user can display single or multiple image object levels and control the appearence of image object outlines, fill and classes to display directly within the View Setting window. Access to advanced image object views, such as polygons and skeletons has been simplified and is accessable in the View Setting window as well.
File Explorer Standardization The file explorer has been standardized across all tools.
Assign Projection An Assign Projection tools is now available within Developer allowing the user to assign projections to input data.
Reprojection Tool A Reprojection tool is now available within Developer allowing the user to adjust date projections directly.
Color Transformation Algorithm A color transformation algorithm is available and supports the calculation of both HSI and HSV layers.
Principal Component Analysis A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm is available to better support the use of complex multispectral and hyperspectral data.
Tile Stitching New predefined import routines are available that will automatically stitch user defined tiles into a mosaic within a single Project.
Default Workspace for Data Staging A Workspace is the standard data hosting environment for all users allowing faster access to batch processing and efficient data management tools that are only accessible via a Workspace.
Default Workspace for Data Staging All Projects and loaded data will be automatically hosted within a Workspace.
Adding Data to Projects Data can be easily added to a Project via drag and drop of a file to the viewer.
Multi-core Processing Support Multi-core processing support has been expanded is no longer locked to a specific number of cores. Users can define the number of cores used during multi-core-operations within the rule set.
Point Caching Loading point clouds is faster due to generating cache file upon initial file import.
Point Caching Point cloud caching supports the generation and use of virtual point clouds within the Project.
Point Caching All files associated with point cloud caching are organized in a point cloud cache sub-folder for simple reference.
Merge Objects by Class User can now merge objects by class via a single merge region algorithm by using the new "by class" option.
eCognition Server Docker Support eCognition GRID now supports docker container set up for simplified and flexible cloud integrations.
Show Warning as Message Box The Show Warning as Message Box function has been removed.
Google TensorFlow Google TensorFlow v2.3 is supported.
GDAL GDAL version v3.0.1 is supported.
Supported data formats Import and export of PostGIS (*.postgis) and GeoPackage (*.gpkg) formats.

Bug Fixes

The update includes the usual bug fixes and improved performance and system stability.

Bug Fixes in 10.0:

Reference Description
ECOG-6223 Class name for thematic raster export to *.img (ERDAS Imagine) fixed.
ECOG-6067 The missing descriptions have been added to teh Superpixel segmentation algorithm.
ECOG-6474 The Deep Learning algorithms can all be found in the online Help.
ECOG-6199 Large value strings are now supported during import.
ECOG-6176 Pixel coordinates of buffer improved for low resolution maps.
ECOG-6338 Modification of point cloud fields during subset selection is fixed.
ECOG-6516 The performance for the calculation of features within a Region has been improved.
ECOG-6327 Improved assignment of layer aliases.
ECOG-6302 CUDA error during CNN accuracy algorithm fixed.
ECOG-6249 Sample generation for CNN models now supports the "unclassifed" class.
ECOG-6641 Rendering of subset selection with no data regions improved.
ECOG-6015 Corrected TensorFlow error as related to CUDA version.
ECOG-6255 Subset selections will now include vector data that overlaps with the subset area.
ECOG-6264 Neighbor-related features are correctly evaluated in threshold conditions.
ECOG-6686 Point clouds are now correctly saved with Project files.
ECOG-6592 The Throw and Catch algorithm execution as been improved within parent loops.
ECOG-6279 The gneration of the sample statistics file during Server processing has been fixed.
ECOG-6275 Zoom functionality improved to support zooming to edge of scene.
ECOG-6272 The conversion of bit-depths via Layer Arithmetics has been fixed.
ECOG-6258 The column width for the Thematic Attribute Table now sizes correctly.
ECOG-5073 Default layer aliases are no longer created if the corresponding algorithm set up is canceled.
ECOG-6726 The performance for handling rich multispectral and hyperspectral data has been improved.
ECOG-6747 The watershed segmentation algorithm now produces connected objects in 8-connected mode.

Known Issues and Limitations

Users must update their License Server before they can use v10.0 client software packages. Please note, this will require users to return all active licenses before uninstalling the previous License Server.

The eCognition License Server does not support the web interface on Linux distribution CentOS 6 (license server startup script needs to be modified to use -noWeb option for lmadmin).

Please contact support if you have further questions.